Child support. LoL
True story. The ultimate nut punch at the time, but it all worked out.
Really....Gundy. LoL. I'd have to google the other names.
Or when you're in bootcamp, and you get that letter from your girlfriend she is pregnant... and it's not by you.
Yeah, this game is gonna sting for quite some time.
Who ever Trump puts in, we need a SECDEF will a backbone. I believe Mattis would be ideal, and he can get rid of that pansy Mabus as SECNAV.
Yep. The Hermanator is heading to Austin.
Speaking of cornbread, my Maw-Maw made the best crab cornbread dressing. I make for Thanksgiving every year. Anyway, not sure about keeping it...
Well.....I can respect that, Sir. :)
You're too old. j/k LoL
I have better chance of hooking up with Kate Beckinsale than Herman or Peterson coming to LSU. :)
That seems to be. Mineaswell hire him back or Urban Meyer. LoL
Peterson's Huskies struggling early.
I guess I could agree especially after all controversy from both sides. Hopefully, beating the SECw teams on the schedule is top priority bonus...
Yeah, I'm gonna have to put new batteries in the remote for next week/weekend's games. Lol
It seems folks can't take a facetious post without getting serious, but Colorado has taken Leach and the Cougs to the woodshed today.
Cougs packed this game in....Congrats on the Buffs winning, CO.
This CU QB reminds me of a clumsy Kapernick, but he gets the job done
Damnit. WAZZU has thrown a yard short of the 1st down all night.
Congrats on the win, Duckfan.