Unless a turnover, this game is over. Congrats Knights.
I'm impressed by the Knights. I'm a big fan of the fullback. With that said.....Go NAVY.
It's turned out to be a good game minus Danielson's yap.
Navy can't tackle worth shit, Id go for it
Some weak salutes by our future Officers.
Go NAVY! I believe those Squids and Jarheads got this.
My apologies.....change is hard. :)
I just can't picture Les Miles in the Pac 10.
Ouch! 7am kickoff for me. A little Kahlua in the coffee. :)
Nice! :)
I do remember Mr Meredith.....Turn out the lights
Clemson's gonna win, but Penn State.....nah. Ohio State is in the final 4.
Holy asskickin, Batman! LoL
Really!! You didn't like Keith Jackson?
Keep Verne, and replace Danielson. Start with that?
Verne is no Keith Jackson, but I don't mind him.
Weak sauce
When did college start penalizing the body slam.....yes, living in Alaska is like living under a rock. LoL
85 was running care free, then 7 was like the Mack truck. LoL
Go Verne! :D