I agree with Jeff about Brooks - I'd take him over at least 50% of the starters in the NFL, probably more. It's tough to QB in the NFL and there...
are you sure? I think navy scrapped the option a few years ago and now run a pro set offense.
looks alot like that buffoon john kerry.
who's still running that chicken **** option? Rice and Army are the only two that come to mind.
don't you guys watch any football? It's always the retaliator that gets nabbed - always. it's almost a lesson in self-restraint. the officials...
Louis Tepper what was the name of that best seller he wrote and published (on the stands right next to that literary masterpiece, Bill Clinton's...
how quickly they forget those embarrasing years of curly and the defensive genious lou tepper. I think many of the posters around here are too...
Good post with the best part being: "LESSON: Fans should refrain from getting to high or low based on the results of a single game, you are...
Blood Yes, there's seems to be a lot of over-confident, immature people around here that think LSU should garner national respect and never be...
Is that how you treat a fellow LSU tiger? you just called, who, the best western? have you ever experienced a hurricane? do you realize auburn...
bad joke. leave the toys at home.
pretty good analysis. until we prove that we can win on the road in the SEC with a frosh QB, we'll be an underdog in these games - simple as...
moats looks like the second coming of barry sanders. the guy plays strong and low to the ground.
as much as I have to agree with an auburn fan, wesfau, I have to say this board is now littered with over confident posters who need a serious...
to use the OSU game as a precedent would be a faulty one. as we know, the first game of the season for most teams can be a struggle. offenses...
#82 the creases in veterans stadium turf were like small canals. I think davis' wife, who is an attorney, unsucessfully sued the eagles and the...
Lee Zurik's columns on the wwl website are the most unformative attempt to be "in the know". he adds nothing and his analysis is terrible.
DId anyone notice that Randall shot-puts the ball on some of his passes. the ugliest thing I've ever seen. maybe, it was the wet ball, but damn,...
thanks DD. Had no idea that existed.
get off the crack pipe, son. your team will be lucky to generate 200 yds of offense. In my unbiased, humble opinion, I think OU should be...