Florida learned to spread the ball around in the second half of the Arkansas game. They relied too much on Tebow before that, in part leading to...
I like Danielson in general. Sometimes he tries to use too much personality, but it wasn't him who mentioned Brittney Spears last year during the...
Gaynell "Gus" Tinsley What was unique about the Tigers' uniforms in 1952?
The scenario presented has nothing to do with the new clock rules--it could have happened under the old rules. The defensive coaches need to be...
The Spread essentially takes the option pass routes of the Run and Shoot and adds in the same type of misdirection in the running game. The QB in...
Just announced it--LSU wins. Congratulations Golden Band from Tigerland. GEAUX TIGERS (GEB) Thorny -- LSU Tuba 85-89
Well, when Uncle Sam sends you, you have to go. Of course that means I have to try to figure out when the games start. I figure that the...
Wickersham was a good, but not great passer. Pretty strong arm, but not as accurate or quick as Tom Hodson. He was thrown into the fire too...
The extended Tiger Rag first disappeared in the 80s (1987 State game to be exact). Too many people across the nation clearly heard the...
I rather like this comparison from Pete Fiutak's Cavalcade of Whimsey: http://cfn.scout.com/2/796043.html Some are starting to get it....
Pretty impressive facilities, but I thought that some of those places were in the stadium. For example, I thought that the large meeting room was...
Every time you have have a leadership change in an organization, it could turn out bad. That's the nature of the beast. Of course, the...
IIRC, Auburn was called for the chop in the Vandy (old OC) and Clemson (new OC) games. It will be interesting to see if the change in offense...
Am currently serving a tour in Afghanistan through March. I got a pretty good deal though--I'm not in a tent and the bathrooms are only across...
On Weis: For being an offensive genius, he called the dumbest play in college football last year, when he passed over a 41 yd FG, potential game...
I think for student athletes, the requirement is for the player to graduate from LSU and to have been named the national player of the year...
My top 10: 1. '59--Billy Cannon's Halloween Run 2. '05--Russell to Doucet to beat ASU post-Katrina 3. '88--Earthquake Game 4. '96--Warren...
We just think that AMAB fans are obsessed with claiming Les Miles' successes. Geez. GEAUX TIGERS
Jackson isn't the first to say that about Auburn and Auburn players say that about LSU just about every year as well. Looking at the last few...
If that play went the other way, Auburn doesn't even win the SEC West, much less the SECCG and Sugar Bowl and the Eufaula Tribune MNC. Both teams...