Finally!!! Bye bye asshole!!
And AGAIN... No call on the shot Burrow took. This is shameful.
Way to go Dillon!!!
PS... fuck Greedy Williams
Soo.... who else we got at corner?
Yeah and their pick six shouldn't have counted. I'm ok with it.
They are going to play themselves out.. LSU will prevail.
Fuck it.. I'll give that to Greedy
Burreaux! This guy is the Rocky Balboa of QB's
Holy shit.
At this point, I say let Jimbo and Coach O fight at mid-field to decide it.
So What's the record for OT's?
Mother. Of. God.
Guys!! C'mon, you're slacking.. Titties NOW!!!
What a shit call.
Good kick from Cole.. hope it was enough.
They cant see holding to save their lives, but someone saw that shit?