Maybe. Or maybe those guys aren't that great. Either way, it points to coaching because it's the coaches responsibility to get good players....
I think LSUs entire offensive staff needs to go as well, but I believe our offensive talent thing is also a fallacy. Yeah, we got big guys that...
You act like being a "QB away" is close. Being a "QB away" is like saying your car is an engine away from being a good car.
Newton's better that all those guys. You are in dreamland. The fallacy is that we have superior offensive talent. We have receivers that...
Nobody in the country wants our QBs.
If that's true, it might even be worse. You mean, we have to be THAT cute on a 4th and 6??? 4th and 20, OK. But, 4th and 6?? Can't just line...
I'm not sure how the game is this close. We fought hard, but AU was better today, by quite a bit. It's to the players credit that the game is as...
You've been watching this team all year and you need to ask that question??
All the Saints players loved Jim Haslett. They also had team meetings. This can only be corrected on the field. They can say what they want,...
You think receivers are dropping passes hitting them right in the hands because they don't have confidence in JJs leadership ability?? First, I...
Any comparisons to our 2003 season or Bama is the stuff insanity is made of. Those two offenses were primarily running offenses which were...
It's the same offense. In '07, we executed better, but I got sick of looking at that friggin' bubble screen in '07 just like I hate it now....
I said the same thing when Haslett was the Saints coach. You know what, I was trying to make myself feel better and I was wrong. It is the...
Embarrassing 7-5 here we come
Looking at that line, I'm not sure how JJ is not a concern. He's a junior now. Should be better than this. The running game appears to be...
All these years, I really thought it was "Merkins." Oh well.
I found the part talking about Saban and the Dolphins fascinating. I know I think of Saban as being a great coach, but the part when Drew...
It is my opinion that Auburn is better coached than us. I didn't say they were a better team than us, but I think their coach got more out of...
You are delusional. LSU was not a winning program when Nick Saban took over. Not in any way or in any form. We were in a, more or less, slow...
No way will we hold back against a team like UNC. We aren't playing ULL or some other such rent a win team.