Although I agree with Turk and the quality of recruits(Number of stars), but sometimes it is a matter of a good fit in combination of being...
Wrong Forum, lib. Here is a more appropriate forum.
Bob Odom's sugar mill got built despite the two hurricanes. My point is that the good ole boys in the state will always get their way despite...
:dis: Went over to the Ole Miss Rivals site and they must of been 5 active LSU related threads. Do they have an obsession for us or what:dis:...
Herbie said they were ballots that didn't have Reggie Bush on it at all. He said they should be banned from voting ever again or something along...
dumb and dumber:hihi: :wink:
The kids will laugh at you. :rofl: :hihi: :lol:
1. Rockne(was ahead of his time, going out west to play USC, the 4 horsemen and of course he won big at ole notre dame) 2. Bear Bryant 3. Bud...
I was 11 years of age and was there in the West upper. Stayed for the whole game. It wouldn't like we were going to get any wetter.
I am a Lake Charles native, and can vouch for everything you said. Is it me or I thought the Sulphur Daily News was the Southwest Daily News????...
True in most cases, exceptions would be the Univ of Michigan which sits basically in Detroit and the Univ of Washington
The U has never drawn much of a crowd for reasons stated on this thread, but they have a large fan base throughout the country especially in the...
Rome was all over this bowl during his show today. Said it was the 3rd best bowl. As for my tickets, received my confirmation today and look...
Maybe they can get the Saints to trade up. it has happened before.
Are you the same redman that hoped JR would get hurt?
The difference between Cotton/Peach after the SEC allotment is about $12,000. That is like the gameday netprofits from one concession booth at TS.
I don't think he is going. I just thought it was interesting. The only thing I can think would be the deciding factor is expectations, or...
From Monday's Scoop Updated 12.05.2005, 9:00 am CST College NEWS For last week's scoop, visit our Scoop Archives...
What is deal with LSU and the Holtz family?? They all hate us.
It will more than likely come up on Ott's show, and he will able to confirm that rumor. I agree Jimbo is out at the end of the year.