as i said there will be some but not at face value, not even close and i dont think there has been a game with this much hype in athens in a long...
dont bet on a lot of tickets being available at the stadium. there may be some but at this point it is harder for me to get tickets to this game...
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
this guy isnot worth responding to NO football knowledge
SOUTH LINK why do you think adams will be gone soon.I live here in athens and it seems that other than the football faithfull he has the backing...
I am in georgia and I am at work. Can someone tell me if the tigers are playing ball today??
Born Gonzales Graduated Stamant Hi U S Navy traveled and lived all over the world Live in Athens Georgia Heart still in Louisiana
The one game Jack Hunt was out our offense did not show up. Florida still only managed 19 points against our defense. I think we will be fine on...
Tiger dabbs where do you live now
You answered my questions. My family is in gonzales or baton rouge My mom was a templet. I miss the people but I dont miss the poor economy and...
I assume Tiger dabbbs you are from that area as well
I am from Stamant La just outside of Gonzales. Graduated from Stamant high 79 my number when I played football.
I live an athens can you imagine the amount of B. S. I have had to put up with. Now I will say that all the guys iI work with are hugh UGA fans...
VanGeaux I am sorry to hear you are moving to cali. I lived just outside of L A for two years the most misirable two years if my life. The people...
I think we neeed to understand when you put 500 thousand people in one place some bad things are going to happen. Even though there may have been...
Just wanted to know if anyone was able to get tickets for a decent price prior to kickoff on the streets of New Orleans
I talked to a merchant how is selling N C title merchandise. He said the NCAA does recognize USC claim to part of the national championship so...
darrkhornet I agree with you and I think every one that knows football will say that L S U has got to play to win. I spend a lot of time on the OU...
The Big 12 is 2 and 5 so far in the bowl games. I have not been impressed yet. From what I have seen L S U could put up fifty plus on a lot of the...