For those who asked for me to keep posting stuff, read below. From another board. Pretty close to what I just heard from Board member......
Buddy said it and then toned it down a little when he was on the record.
Again, what is false? Buddy said it and now has said it publicly. Thanks for proving me right.
When are you going to realize that the only official word of anything is going to be when Saban gets up to the podium for a press conference?...
Yes and they have proven to be extremely accurate. :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis:
Who is dead wrong now?
Islstl and the rest of you that sent me negative rep----------Suck on that!
I will answer since you asked me a question. What is wrong about it? Because he is denying it "on the record." Sorry if I have enough brain cells...
Since some people are not happy with the info that I have tried to relay, I will not post any further info I obtain. Sorry if I have been...
Buddy denied, on the record, that he said Saban is staying.
Buddy on the record. Just to clear up a few things... Reply Wayne High-Zinger's plane landed this morning at 7AM in is still...
Unfortunately he still may not say it on the air if he has been told to not broadcast it before the press conf.
Again read my post above. Off the record.
They know better than to come out and officially say something on the record before Nick's press conference. Saban would light them up.
Being reported that Buddy Songy has said Saban declined.
Getting closer
Mods. edit my thread title to "Coming to an end". I tried but don't know how.
Has there been any proof that WH was on that Miami plane? Maybe that was the plane that Jimmy Sexton flew back to Baton Rouge in? This is crazy.
The term "players" has been clarified. He meant all the principals involved. Assuming Skip, Saban, Sexton, yada, yada. Sorry for the confusion....