Put Jarrett Lee in!
But more importantly, would he kick someone in the head to be the LSU WR coach? That is the standard at LSU nowadays...
The news often report what they hear on message boards...
We will know if he is still at LSU if he is still enrolled for the spring semester tomorrow I'm guessing. I wouldn't blame him if he left. Les...
Forget the labels...it's not so much about "LSU Fans" or "Bama fans" rather than just drunken, football fans. It's an epidemic at every party...
Rocky Top would be great if they didn't play it on seemingly every down
From what I saw he's not an accurate passer at all (especially under pressure) and tends to make bad decisions in the read-option.
I was just about to say this. I gave my tickets to my friends. What might have made it colder was seeing how badly we were getting owned by Troy...
From what I saw, I think y'all had a very capable backup in Bennett this past year. I have many doubts about DT as an NFL QB though. He's not on...
And every time I see it, it's a reminder of how bad the season ended. Please stop people. We're not in it for the moral victory.
Either the Saints need to hire Chavis or LSU needs Sean Payton. I can't handle two one-dimensional teams...
TD!!!! JIMMY GRAHAM!!!!!!!!
2 minutes. 78 yards. Let's get it
I don't see how they missed that...it caused him to fumble the ball. Ridiculous. But I'll give it to the 49ers that they tackle extremely well and...
Let's hope our WR's can grow up fast. RR was a very good route runner and was seemingly always open and that helped Lee out a lot.
I don't see what they could possibly push for especially after the BCS game. Dude's mind is made up, let's move on.
In the CFL draft
They can't be on the field at the same time and you could def make a strong argument that all of them got underutilized. They all would be...
So that's why you started this thread...to tell us this?
He probably could have been a decent star if he played QB somewhere else that runs a spread-option type offense. But then, he wouldn't have any...