Saying you are bored means you are not bored? Rock bottom. :rofl:
Hate group cancels protest of soldier's funeral after show of force (see video here)
Davis was a surprise to everyone when he went first round. Byrd was in the hospital. I would say that is more a reflection upon charger management...
Pot stirring is incorrect. Your purpose was to hijack the thread. If you wanted to discuss religion, you would not have deleted the thread created...
Chargers kept him on a year during his recovery but it appears it didn't work out. Pretty generous of them to draft him while he was in the...
I notice he has not been back. Were the responses that harsh or was this another hit & run?
How refreshing to see honesty about the hatred. I am sure islstl is thankful that you spoke up for him. He is not the only one.
All well said.
I have done so in regards to them and to you. Both are just attention seeking whores using religion as their vehicle. And everyone else sees that...
I don't claim anything about religion or the bible, what it says, doesn't say, means to christians, kooks, or atheists. I point out that it is...
It probably is a liberal apportionment issue for Beck, but I am unsure because I don't watch his program. Maybe he thinks the congress will find a...
So do satanic worshipers or people that worship the color blue. The point is tangential and nobody pays any attention to their so called...
Well no it doesn't mean that, but they guy being offended about what he wants for everyone is funny. Well, I believe you but don't hold out for...
Well sure it's an email forward, which just makes it even funnier. And yeah it probably draws more attention to his house because of his...
This is not motivated to stop homosexuality, or to preach "God's word". It is motivated to stop the war by bringing further pain and suffering to...
How is that putting the guy's house in danger? He is merely illustrating what everyone's house will be like if gun control zealots get there way...
That is classic. Thanks for a great laugh. :thumb:
Will have to ask a few restaurateurs what they have been told. The guys I am talking about are not looking for low wage earners, but actual legal...