Death penalty is not even remotely an option. And anything less than an extended post season ban, combined with losing at least 25 scholarships...
Stupid is thinking this was innocent. The video clearly shows this was a setup. And Israel, in conjunction with Egypt, has a right to enforce...
You can deny the obvious if you like. Republicans are a minority in this country. Independents are the group that elected Obama and this congress....
Republicans don't have to bother. Democrats are running away from Obama in droves. Look at the La dems for an example. He is not a help to their...
There can be no balance if one party is wholly against further drilling.
Defending Jeffrey Dahmer would be easier, but if he had a (D) after his name, Red would give it a shot.
I would agree with that eventually. But I would imagine deep water drilling just got a bit more expensive after this. If given a choice to find...
Doesn't make much sense and it won't be a compelling argument but I believe she is trying to say that if restrictions on land and closer to shore...
That's what I get for walking in to the middle of a conversation. :eek:
Yardarm. Let's keep it nautical.
Added to that are many people are dropping their subscriptions. Truthfully the sites don't deliver that much you can't get elsewhere a few minutes...
I find the comical aspect is contained in the still high and mighty attitude of many of their fans. For years anyone that has mentioned the Bush...
Rasco is a surprise for sure.
So what's your facebook ID again? I seem to have misplaced it. :D
Good and bad things happen to every president. This is a success story.
Ahh, I see. Is he disliked by his team also like T.O. was?
Not really caring about pro-sports, much less major league baseball, but I am curious why Rodriguez would be hated in the first place? Is it...
I am sure UCLA is probably more distressed than LSU. Who in their right mind would want us in their bracket?
Can't people in Louisiana carry concealed? I don't recall it being that difficult a process to obtain a permit for that.
Actually I can address, not address, quote, not quote, state I am bored or not, with or without your permission. I can also state(accurately) that...