Looking at the composition of that article and, wow are we young or what?
I agree but it is what it is. And it can hardly be argued that the left is not in control today. If the pendulum is swinging in the opposite...
Save liberal bashing for another thread... I am curious what the conservative posters on this site think? Heck, liberals will have plenty to...
Deserve the money? I thought our country was broke? Why are we giving billions to a profitable foreign company? And why for the express activity...
And yes it is true that this company wants to drill almost 3 times as deep as the Horizon did. And yes it is true that George Soros is heavily...
Yes but like it or not, the only thing happening to Florida is cleanup of an existing spill. They don't lose any $ if the ban is lifted and there...
Baby Otter Smiles...:rofl: Classic.
The crime here is not the loss to BP. It is the loss to La workers, both directly working on rigs and the satellite companies that do business...
33 rigs shut down does hurt; it hurts La. How long do you think the rigs will sit idle in the gulf? They are already in negotiations to take off...
So we burden everyone by forcing higher prices on gas, then use tax money to subsidize trucking to help defray the costs that we artificially...
An extra $2400/yr to run your car? :rofl: Maybe you can afford it but what about all the families that can't? You know, like the millions that...
Maybe the commission will issue a report in about a year. Wonder what the economy in La will look like by then. Oh yeah, and the price of oil also...
Losing nearly $400k/day/rig means there is no way they can stay in the gulf. They have to go, and will be going soon. All Obama has to do is drag...
I saw a commercial last night introducing an American as being in charge of claims. He is also from La. I can understand wanting the assignment,...
You don't understand the meaning of the word diversity. It doesn't matter what your opinion is, or why the law exists. It matters only that...
So you are saying there is no diversity of opinion on the legalization or use of pot? Really? Then if everyone agrees, why is it illegal?
Funny how many liberals objected to the patriot act, but don't have much to say about this admin. Seems as if the fed is just steamrolling us with...
Well even if BP is perpetually trying to protect themselves, they don't look like morons. The feds just look like the keystone cops. But I can't...
The issue is quite obvious, as is your inability to intelligently say something related to it. What's next, a comparison to the slave trade? And...
If it's any consolation(it's not), the fed is getting in the way of other state officials besides La. my friend in Destin said the oil arrived a...