From the quotes I have heard, he needs to be fired. Though it almost seems like he wants to resign and this was his parting shot at the president....
Bucking to replace Red as member most likely to refuse to admit you are wrong? LOL, ignore everything if you like. You convince nobody.
Are you Colonel Lingus?
Really? On what basis? I have been extremely lax in following Floridian politics.
Well to get back on topic... I am happy that $20 billion is available for immediate support of lost wages, and I think given the opportunity BP...
I'm getting that. Your claims should really stick to what you know, or don't. Obviously and and he ignored the majority opinion of his experts...
Re: Judge Blocks Obama's Moratorium Because I have seen plenty of judges ignore the law and rule to their ideology in the past. And on far less...
Nice one. :thumb:
That's my biggest knock on him. If he would just own that and say it didn't work, instead of shifting blame I would respect him a great deal more.
Here is a bit more for you to jam in your pipe and smoke: Hmmmm, that looks good doesn't it? Safety first right? I seem to recall some bs claim...
Riiiight. No, I have added that we are subsidizing a profitable foreign company to do what we are banning here. You can keep trying to...
Re: Judge Blocks Obama's Moratorium So Obama disagreed with the experts and implemented a ban anyway. Hmmmm....
What are you talking about? How are you assessing my state of mind as agitated? Because I asked you to explain your point of view? Are you...
Re: Judge Blocks Obama's Moratorium I am a little surprised as I have heard this judge is a bit liberal. Guess the home team means more. Hope...
It has been stated, and you could look it up yourself. But since you won't: President Obama Finances Offshore Drilling in Brazil -
Well, you say the administration is justified in shutting down gulf drilling because of safety issues. How do you explain the hypocrisy of...
If that concern is important to Obama, why is he subsidizing a Brazilian company to do the same thing, only deeper?
She can gin up the base, but she turns a lot of people off too. While I can agree on some of her views, I don't think she is a viable candidate....
The real question is why didn't the Oline work last year? Besides JJ's performance? When I go back and look at the games, specifically I see that...
That is a valid analysis, considering most of us believe the same things are in question. We will have to see if the Oline and JJ answer the bell.