oh man, you have NO Idea how pissed off I am about what pres. bush is doing right now...
here we go again...
is the girl in the purple shirts name Brooke?
yeah I know, its just been a really long two days...:hihi:
what a great game...
The secretary of the Navy? hmm... ever heard of the secretary of state or secretary of defense? you know, old donny rumsfeld? ::sigh:: nevermind
just a sad sad america this place is becoming.
just saying. his name is Gordon Winters. he seems like a cool guy and all. he personally thanked me for the stuff I did during Katrina and Rita...
How old are you? 15?
nope, at home in chesapeake, va.
good feed here in virginia...
im just learning how to categorize my albums and songs... and putting cover art to the albums is a cinch now... http://www.slothradio.com/covers/
[IMG] Try some more!
Its a good "problem" to have. :geauxtige
its a nifty feature, as Ive had a 30 gb video ipod for about a month and a half... its a GREAT thing. I use it in the car, on the way to work and...
I had to live underwater for three years to find this information out, man. :hihi:
even accuracy , I think he'd win. buit definetly a healthy JR takes the long throw competition.
but I have my sources! :hihi: