by the looks of things, you were out numbered on this one, Okie.
Reading this thread makes me so hungry and even though I'm on dr's orders to NOT do anything, oh well....I'm cooking chicken and sausage jambalaya...
I sent RE a pm saying how good bama was playing...hope I didn't jinx it.
yeah, food.
My son was telling me the other day that he heard on the news there was a possible terrorist threat at one/some of the games. They were...
my favorite song...lmao one of Kanye's best ;)
what a good time to be off on sick leave...finally, not bored anymore. ever notice that when you're at work there's always something that you...
You're kidding, right? This blonde chick is the "rapper"/thinks she's ghetto material? Amazing! Can't understand why she thinks she needs to...
Good luck on your brackets guys. May the best man win and try to keep the bragging rights to a ;)
my, you guys started early! You must have the madness! Good luck to everyone, hope your picks are good and your bracket is just as you...
I'm following the basketball team, watching the tourney games, etc. But, football is always in the back of my mind because I'm a huge football...
OK, newbie, let me explain something to you. I'll try to make it short and sweet so that you can grasp True LSU fans NEVER put spring...
Thanks for sharing this. It does sound fishy, doesn't it? Makes you wonder just how much of this goes on "behind the scenes". Good luck in the...
Personally, I think it's great for this young team just to be there. If they win a couple of games, that's just an extra. With emphasis on the...
sorry Deek. I won't let it happen again, I'd changed mine for a while...going back to ignore function...;)
obviously better than none at all...;)
I meant for that to apply to both sexes. I agree, some women are out there only to get a meal ticket. I also agree that women should have to pay...
McConathy has his players at NWST spoiled. Every home game he goes in early and cooks them breakfast....ham, bacon, and pancakes. They have a...
Perfect! Chicken and Sausage Jambalaya with a nice cold Bud Lite....or two, or three....;)
Fantastic news! Geaux Tigers!