They don't always get top pick with Seniors although that's what we were told. I went through the MBA program for the 2006 and 2007 football...
and we did sweep Auburn
there left handed starter is a freshman and their # 3 guy. Graham still hasn't announced his rotation for the weekend yet.
Not to stir the pot, but did anyone really know what the AP trophy looked like until 2003 when the AP stirred the pot itself? All that matters to...
I was to the left by the walkway down to the seating. I usually was standing up against the the hand rails where they began. Just to left of the...
yes, but Rice's pitching staff is deeper considering they went a good portion of the season without two of their best pitchers.
Then I was very close to ya'll for the first two games. I was the hairy guy in the gold jersey and black lsu hat. I thought the little boy looked...
Were ya'll standing up on the consourse behind home plate (just to the right) and the handycap seating for the first two games?
two national seeds gone from the field. OU and UCI eliminated yesterday.
I'm sorry I have to disagree, limiting an owner here by not allowing patrons to smoke inside their facility is not proof of limiting the free...
Yes I have been in a bar and yes I understand more people in it smoke than do not. That was not the point of my post. I wasn't arguing in favor,...
If you stand up in the concourse, you should have a good view and you will be in the shade all day long.
Considering every other public building or establishment has a ban on smoking in Louisiana this is just an expantion of what already is in place....
generally the rule for SRO tix was that you could sit in any seat (except where game marshalls required a ticket to get into the section behind...
Re: Bama fans getting jumpy As soon as Joe Pa retires :hihi:
but are they tired enough to create a new party to oust the other two???
I think you missed my statement above about where I believe precedent should be overturned at a higher court. If case law has already been...
Well wiping out credit scores wouldn't wipe out businesses records of someone oweing money. It wouldn't stop them from trying to collect the...
I told you we would have to agree to disagree. Legislating from the bench when there is no case law is one thing, but when there is prior case...
Where did she say this, maybe I missed something here, because Scalia's opinion is written down and documented. Hers is recorded where she...