Good grief, settle down....A sell out???????
I agree with SabanFan. Techinically, you should know company procedures before doing business with them.I know no one actually reads the fine...
I wonder how long Ryan will be on here, before his daddy realizes he is using his computer to act a fool and look up porn.
What I find humurous is that it takes some people a win over Duke to support the team's coach. I understand that not everyone loves everything...
I give the guy props for admitting he was wrong. How many times did Trev Alberts write a whole article about how he was wrong? Yeah, Doug G did...
And I pity the team that plays LSU on a "on" night. You'll see just like Duke did. You can't handle the manimal that is Tyrus Thomas and the big...
Re: Hi eveyone I thought I smelled something...
I don't know how that is going to work? If he plays the game., how does he expect anyone to even try???? I wouldn't be able to concentrate on the...
I'm not going to call him an idiot just for not putting LSU in his top 5...
If we followed that strategy, we wouldn't have Marcus Spears, Michael Clayton, or Jai Eugene...
Losing D-Mitchell hurts...We'll need to make up for his output from outside...
I've been on this forum long enough to notice that every three months someone gets on here and says "look what Dandy don said, etc, etc, etc" only...
Wow, talk about going right back into your face...
So you must have really disliked Saban then, right? Saban was the king of not holding back and telling it like it is. Saban said many times to the...
I'm sure he doesn't give two ****s..
This is quite the amusing thread....haha....
It seems to go both ways...I can't remember a year, recently, where we lost a bunch of players and didn't gain any back. Even this year loosing...
I hope they do overturn Roe v Wade. I think I'm one of the few young people out there that is against Abortion. I think it should be outlawed,...
Just finished two great books: Cold Paradise by Stuart Woods- I love Stuart Woods. His novels are unrealistic and sometimes cheesy, but I love...