Anyone who plays is defined as cleared and ready. Do you think Skylar wasn't cleared when he was playing on the same type injury in 04?
You don't have to be an MD to know that a high ankle sprain doesn't heal in 2 weeks. I would guess you could ask any freshman high school...
He may be the coach of the year, but he should be fired if he plays TT in the SEC tournament.
When was that??? The stadium was empty.
I've never met a Japanese Islamist.
The good news: 1. If you look at the video of the injury, he caught his toe/twisted his foot going forward-- this is not the Skylar Green type...
did you ever find a way to download the geaux zone files on a mac for replay?
Anyone know exactly what it is? I hope Brady will sit him for the next 2 weeks if it is anything serious-- remember how much better Addai looked...
I can guarantee you that there are plenty of players on the team that would rather drive than fly.
Did anyone see how Pat Summit got a private ten minute meeting with the ref after the technical foul- give me a break.
This is good news- more blitzes with man coverage= Flynn to Davis--> TD
Yep- I read the same thing on TB.
He'll be back unless he has a losing SEC record. Anything short of that, and he's here to stay.
up to $550 now!
Dale Brown could have come up with that final play.
Is traveling allowed when trying to inbound the ball? There are two situations where an in bounder may travel when trying to inbound the ball....
It's not on the geaux zone. It ran fine with the latest version of VLC (check versiontracker). The only painless way i have been able to capture...
Gators are 4-2 in the dome (lost to Alabama and Miami)
Which team (college or pro) has the best win% @ the GA Dome? Of course, you can't count the ones with only one or two games there. I don't know...