please help how do you compress photos???
My earliest memories of my grandfather were him sayin "damn tigers". Still, every saturday during the fall he was either lying on his livingroom...
no one knows what the heck a "Sooner" is...maybe it's a guy with a $exual dysfunction? I think a sooner is one of the original settlers of...
these dang people are gonna give me a dang stomach ulcer
I'm given my sugar bowel ticket away. LSU and OK obviously have no right to be there. fug the media
I would like to have Shyrone around, but i agree that Damon is a bigger problem. Those guys should have kept their minds right.
as far as Saban being seen in the atlanta airport, isn' t it possible that he was returning from Orlando and the awards ceremony? Saban will...
I have always admired Michigan's program. Who can dispute the fact that they field a consistently competetive team? That food chain better...
Pete Carrol dies and goes to heaven. upon arrival to heaven he is greeted at the gate by GOD himself. GOD says to pete, "Pete we sure are glad...
it gave me a reason to cheer. I think trev is banging pete carrol's daughter or something:shock:
Oh Yeah! Lemoines Landing down by the river walk mall. great place to hang out
If you need more ideas.. 1. incase of bad weather, d-day museum or the aquarium are both really nice. 2. Best days i've spent in New Orleans...
That's strange, I can't find trev anywhere. He must have his HEAD DOWN!!!
hey sooner, thanks for the post. ya'll lost a game that usc didn't have to play, but you lost and lost big. Are you the best team in the nation?...
oops, wrong button. to continue.... was paid to coach football. SABAN is the reason for the season in my heart. he has made this team what it is.
some of my non-football buddies couldn't not believe how much SABAN
that post is great! good luck to georgia in the capital one bowl! GEAUX TIGAHS!!!
to heck with both of em--Saban for governor!!!
Gonna be tight, but by the time this season is over LSU will have killed more dawgs than parvo! LSU-24 uga-13
some people are just too damn self centered. Stand for yourself!!