Well it's been a while since we beat a top 25 team and if we did IM sure I could count them on 2 fingers. And IM talking about wins in the NCAAT girl.
You know whats up. Don Redden, Ricky Blanton, Derrick Taylor, Zoran Jovanovich, John Williams, Anthony Wilson plus many more.
I think Brady has dug a deep hole for him self. The first step is to stop digging. He did that now he must start climbing out and he can only do...
What do you think about Tenn. stinky soaked coach? Brady looks like Phil Jackson compared to him.
You know all these brown noses go in an hour early and stay an hour late and only take 1/2-hour lunches. Come-on-na
I knew I could make you smile. Have a great day baby.
Better coach, starting 5 and more depth from the bench. I would say Browns tigers would have killed Brady’s Tigers. Plus Browns team had more...
Did he? That’s good. You have one guy that averaged 18 points a game and we have two. It's all about the team and your team is in DEEEEEEEEEP Sh!T.
I know you caught me I thought they didn’t qualify b/c of the bad year they had. Sorry good luck in the SECT I hope we get Bama or Kentucky. The...
LSU's 1985-86 Final Four team would kill this years team.
You got that straight. 1 win would be a disappointment we need at least 2 or 3 wins in the tourney.
I would hope we have UAB's # this year.:oldskule:
Can we stick to the topic LSU takes lead in bot of 8th.
ID hit it Kobe Bryant style. Then shove her face in a bowl of peas. Son.
J is you and Boston pumping each other? You 2 guys run to each other’s defense like you are married. I thought that was frowned upon down south....
I think big baby could beat the hogs 1 on 5.
You are talking to that fellow. And I am not scared of the hogs. I didn’t think that the hogs were invited to the SECT. Just goes to show that...
I thought that was Mr. Ferley.
Quit following me around like a lost puppy. This dog watches out for him self. Didn’t you see me call someone a troll today? Look here dude; I...
You guys will figure it out one day. I was sad to see that black coach go. Despite his antics I think he was a good basketball coach. Good luck...