plus the original dream team was giving up 75-80 points to international teams that weren't nearly as good as the current international teams are....
ON HBO Real Sports they said that 99.9% of dogs seized in dog fighting raids are euthanized.
The tax atty they had on ESPN radio said it was basically like receiving a $750K gift. If he wants to keep it and put it on his mantel he owes the...
I perfected a Hotdog/Ramen Noodle/SpaghettiO casserole in college. It was great, unfortunately the recipe was lost in a move and I'm not near...
Roy Jones has had numerous interviews where he'd talked about his love for cockfighting. In fact the interview he did with Jim Rome a few years...
yeah this is being blown way out of proportion. At Manning's age Tiki was a 3rd down back who seemed to fumbled every other time he touched the...
One month in college LSUGrad00 was running short on cash and had to decide between eating and beer. LSUGrad00 chose beer and went to Big Lots and...
me too.
Exactly, I think that if it were left up to the individual teams there is no doubt that Chris Henry, Tank Johnson, Adam Jones, and Mike Vick would...
Re: tiger forums fantasy football league That's cool just wanted to make sure before I signed up with you high rollers. :thumb:
If this was any other sport I'd totally 100% agree. I think Goodell has show that he is about more than $$. By laying the hammer down on...
Re: tiger forums fantasy football league How much?
10-1 he still doesn't think he's done anything wrong. I would bet that he's blaming his boyz that turned on him or the system and not himself....
:trying to resist the urge to make a pokey riding comment:
it was his cousin who got picked up for drugs, you can't pick blood... but there was a reporter for ESPN who said Falcon's sources told him that...
Of course he is getting it worse than most athletes he killed dogs. People in this country are freaking crazy about their pets and dogs in...
My uncle had a soft spot for former racing dogs and adopted them pretty regularly. Those dogs were crazier than hell. He had one dog that any...
Kobe wasn't suspended by the NBA.
what gambling aspects? He didn't bet on football so why should the commish care? In theory is betting on a dog fight any different than betting on...
at least you aren't having to root for Brady Quinn. :thumb: