what they said...
Who is actually going to be able to draft on Sat?? Crip, Clair... who else?
Since Mike VI will be almost twice as big as Mike V does this mean that TAF will be hitting us up to expand his cage soon? :shock: :hihi:
yeah I don't get that either. If those games were in Baton Rouge I'd be all over it. I'd love to see the NBA play a few preseason games with...
Re: I'm on a health/protien kick... you can get big packs of frozen chicken breasts pretty cheap from most grocery stores. I prefer the type with...
that totally depends on the scoring.. Ed Reed is a dominant safety, but if you look at the numbers he isn't great fantasy wise. Ed Reed 60...
USA v Puerto Rico on now. I think the last time we played them was the game at the 2004 Olympics when PR beat the US by 20 points. Basically team...
clair needs to learn how to multi-task ;)
out of town Friday too.. tonight is good for me
Nine kids by nine women is impressive no matter how you look at it. I mean one or two illegitimate kids is a just fluke. Any rookie can dump a few...
No I think it's pretty cool...:thumb: Better than the ESPN league I'm in where you have to pick a punter... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Can you do a mock draft with yahoo?
Is that second D an individual defensive player?
I think Argentina is missing like their top 3-4 players. They finished 4th in the Pan Americans games this summer behind Brazil, Puerto Rico, and...
I agree, it also gives the bottom team(LSUGrad00) a chance to suck less.
lol! Dude is just setting up little Henry franchises all over the south.
no thanks lou...
That would be a blast... hell I'd like to just have a TF tailgate to put some faces to the names.
Oh I forgot to mention one of the $$ leagues I'm in decided to add a new position... PUNTER! Has anyone ever heard of a league with punters?
I'm in three leagues. The first one I was stuck drafting 11 of 12 and ended up with Rudi Johnson. I'm not overly impressed with that team. The...