i dont see it as being important at this point. with a whole summer of camps and fall of games, recruits can change their minds very easily and...
are they taking advanced classes? my school has a very advanced track, the computech-gate program, and the regular program which has the...
he started off as a LB and then switched to DE. LB is his natural position
im worried about deas. seems a little slow maybe if he had to sit out his senior year for academics. classes these days can be so easy, it only...
brandon marshall, a fourth round pick this year by the broncos out of central florida, played safety his junior year because there werent any...
good points atlanta. so no one has heard of this happening before or has an example of what the letter is like?
i think we all have that feeling...i keep seeing my peach bowl poster and like daydreaming
the only reason i sed that it would be weird was because i was trying to imagine being a non LSU fan kid in HS and get a letter from a coach in...
its not funny when recruits think that. hopefully, since les is recruiting near BR, they willl know that its not like BR is getting hit by...
be careful with that...we also faced a team that needed to replace players in facing the andrew walter-less sun devils last year. hopefully we...
lol sorry, i dunno. i mean as an lsu fan itd be awesome no doubt. and i dont know the context of the letter. i just think it would be weird to...
thank you for the site. u all got a few votes as well. the best thing was that they seemed to be very homerish and still had to give us some nods
who was working on campus during a game?
itd have to be a lot of road losses and espn has shown their everywhere-but-the-sec-bias over the years. recently, our NC coverage(im including...
that sux, they shut down his myspace. i was hoping to see what warm words of encouragement his fellow peers and teammates gave him...
our national title hopes hinge on EVERY game, realistically. key games will be florida and auburn IMO. auburn will confirm or redefine our goals...
haha ok that works for me. lets see...play SECCG in the georgia dome, sugar bowl? in ga dome. id think it would work very well in the domes since...
i guess their justification is the whole week to week in the SEc wear and tear. but look at us last year, we won, what?, nine straight, mostly in...
not sure were all talking about the same thing...the saints have astroturf, correct? or something like it with the concrete below. this is like a...
computer class