I am glad that I don't have heart trouble:lol: Let's go defense :geaux::geaux::geaux::geaux::geaux:
Ok Defense, lets hold them now, and lets get the ball back :geaux::geaux::geaux::geaux::geaux:
I'm thinking I might divorce my husband so Chad Jones can be my new boyfriend:wink: :geaux::geaux::geaux::geaux::geaux:
Great post Bengal Buddy, I agree with you. :geaux::geaux::geaux::geaux::geaux:
Who even knows, I would think that most of the true fans are there, at least I would hope that they are. :geaux::geaux::geaux::geaux::geaux:
Yep, I don't like it at all. I get mad when :helmet: does stupid stuff, but I am not gonna boo them or the quarterback....
Some of the fans have quit as well :geaux::geaux::geaux::geaux::geaux:
I would never boo my team or anyone that is on my team. I don't like it at all. :geaux::geaux::geaux::geaux::geaux:
Thanks for sharing the pictures Okie, they are great :geauxtige:geauxtige:geauxtige:geauxtige:geauxtige:geauxtige
I am sorry that you are leaving Sourdoughman, I enjoy reading most of your posts. I also enjoyed reading your posts about Cammie. I liked hearing...
Well said, I agree with you. :geauxtige:geauxtige:geauxtige:geauxtige:geauxtige
Great post red :geauxtige:geauxtige:geauxtige:geauxtige:geauxtige
I am so glad to hear that Cammy is doing wonderful, and if it matters, I am sad that you are leaving. I like reading your posts....
We never underestimate :olefire: , they usually play us well, and since I live in Mississippi, I want this game a lot....
Yes it is
Great post Salty, and I agree with you too. Someone hasta try and defend Lee, and I will also continue to defend him. I don't like it when...
What happened to his hand?
Great post I agree with you on the fans, I feel sorry for him. He is 19 and most 19 year olds can't be trusted to clean their rooms:lol: and...
That was a funny one:lol: