If you feel that way about it, why don't you go and enlist? I am sure they could use you in Baghdad.
Re: Re: If Jindal Doesn't know, how do we? Just taking the extremist position in principle of no exceptions whatsoever on abortion says...
http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/meast/11/11/sprj.irq.cia/index.html This is a link to a CNN article that quotes a CIA report that says things are...
What a joke. Jindal is a zilch.
Jindal is furious that the Democratic Party is sending out leaflets that say he is opposed to abortion "under all circumstances." Since he has...
Clinton was a Communist? I guess this what TE and the rest of the right wingnuts here consider "serious debate." This is Looney Toon City. LOL
And I would consider listening to you if you were just a slight bit informed of the facts. The Bushies did claim that taking out Saddam was...
Anyone with half a brain, any sense of context, as well as any sense relative to the history of such situations would never be so ridiculously...
I was not intending the post for your kind, Calco. My post was meant for people who can actually think. I guess I should have stipulated that.
I agree. Their intellectual ceiling is believing everything Ann Coulter says. They are really not worth discussing anything with.
Then since Jindal makes no claims to have accomplished anything of any significance whatsoever in his career, and has never held elective office,...
Did I do something to upset you? Look, I understand that most of you right wingers don't read the newspapers or much of anything else. It...
Try reading the newspaper and stop your lying.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A7991-2003Nov6?language=printer This article on Bush's speech today should be read by all....
Saying Jindal is not claiming these accomplishments is simply a lie. He is claiming great accomplishments, when he has done nothing. He is...
Louisiana's health care system is in the toilet, yet Jindal claims he cured all its ills. Louisiana's higher education system is mediocre and...
Whining and crying still? What a pansy?