Let's face reality: if no poisonous gas was found in warheads, in missiles on launchers ready to be fired on the battlefield, then Saddam never...
Uh huh. Got caught in a vice, didn't you? Nice crawfishing. Fine, from now on, I DO NOT want to see any reference from you using a UN...
So one minute you are arguing that the US invaded Iraq under the authority of UN resolutions, the next minute you are arguing that the US invaded...
One of the all time classic lines. I must remember this one folks. It will go down in posterity along with, "I am not a crook," and "Dear, on...
So now you are arguing that Bush invaded Iraq as a SOVEREIGN NATION? One minute you are telling me that Bush went to war under UN resolutions,...
Well, I rest my case. You right wing liars will put any spin on any lie to justify Bush's war. Now we see that Saddam attacked first. What a liar...
I will repeat one more time: Read slowly and carefully, please. Move your lips this time, if necessary. (You other right wing Neanderthals can...
When a mainstream REPUTABLE news source starts reporting this, call back. Otherwise stop wasting our time. You act as if this is a proven...
So since Clinton was President, Republicans can be as corrupt as they want and rip off the American taxpayers. Boy that is intelligient....
JD, just out of curiousity, why do you even bother to reply to Sabanfan? It is obvious he is some twelve year old with too much access to the...
G-man, Bush could murder Laura on the steps of the White House a month before the election and little right wing robots like you would defend him....
And Bush made Iraq a financial playground for Halliburton, Bechtel and other companies that gave massive amounts of money to the Republican Party....
And it has been demonstrated that nothing intelligient can come from your ignorance, hasn't it G-man? What pisses you guys off, is that you...
Oh, so Bush has made America the policeman of the world, has he? Is that why he invaded Iraq? Ok, so when does Bush invade and take over The...
The TV talking heads seem to think that McKay's first choice for Falsons coach is Lovie Smith, the Defensive coordinator of the Rams.
We found NO Al Qaida terrorist camps in Iraq. You are lying again. Bush was even forced to admit that there is NOTHING to indicate Saddam had...
Then don't. It is very obvious that you have nothing to say that is worth reading anyway. You can't even quote the idiotic Rush Limbaugh crap...
First of all, Osama Bin Laden, from all evidence, had NOTHING to do with the first World Trade Center attack. This is another example of the fact...
The talking heads on TV seem to think that Lovie Smith, a coach with the Rams, is new Atlanta GM McKay's choice for head coach of the Falcons...