'I'd still say it's five schools -- Ohio State, Michigan, Oregon, LSU and Penn State. I've visited...
Already a thread....
sitting around waiting for these guys to qualify, isn't high on the list...I'd rather go 11-2,11-2,11-2 with some NC hardware. Than wait for...
I hope we have the NC Trophies all polished up for TJ to see...I hear him and PJ wanna lock down the secondary for LSU...Hope PJ can help out with...
I to felt that way last night, it didn't feel real. I tell you, after hearing the "Mikey and Black" story. It's almost Rudy-like, that makes me...
it is very possible, that we could land TJ Bryant, and Alonzo Lawrence (new 4star recuit), and we already have PJ. That could possibly be the best...
if we land DeAndre Brown, we have Deangelo Benton 5 star to put us with 3 - 5star recruits. that would put us above FSU for 4th...and if we land 4...
we get PJ to host him on a visit to Baton Rouge...I wish we would have known he liked the thought of playing for LSU...He dominated the game, he...
Oh Baby...I have a good felling that we have a great shot at both guys...and PJ will help with that recruitment...We are already 7th ranked now...
WoW! its on now baby...I saw Lerentee McCray, and DeAndre Brown both congradulate PJ after he announced LSU...i wonder what will happen with those...
I think we are waiting on higher profile recruits to verbal...But his speed is hard to ignore.
I would add DeAndre Brown to the Maybe list, His interview at the AA practice couple of days ago, he mentioned that He hasn't even talked to the... I hope we kept in contact with this kid...He's rated 5 star with 4.4 speed.
i think you answered your question. He's not rated at WR, he's rated at ATH.
With the cheating scandal affecting current players for this years bowl game. Many of the players who won't be going to Nashville could also be...
I don't understand why he keeps tackling that way. One day he'll get Horse-collared and get hurt. Maybe he'll learn then.
Well if thats the case, if he signs with Bama...he'll have a lot of Butta-Faces checking him out...Better off at USC,UF, or UM as far as...