That made me laugh right out loud.
Bet you'd be hotter if you took it off.
You can bring a barmaid and/or cocktail waitress into the game. And you're welcome. :D
Yeah, but in here day . . . ok, another one I can't type with a straight face.
Well, if rehab is necessary . . . still remains to be seen. At least you didn't say the Tigers should be thankful for Tennessee softening . . ....
Soften up? Oh, you mispronounced "play three weeks before".
Try this on for size: [ATTACH] (can you tell I'd rather look for hot cocktail waitresses than answer the discovery I'm currently supposed to be...
Looks like a toss up to me. [ATTACH] Barmaid [ATTACH] Cocktail waitress
Not on AMAB's schedule, that's for sure.
Nice article even though it comes from the Failcons website...
Taking standardized tests is a skill, like any other. You can practice to increase your skill level, but at some point the law of diminishing...
@Smilodon The first time ND meets TCU in Texas, Georgia between the hedges and AMAB in BDS in the same season let me know.
No disrespect intended at all, but I have no idea what you're saying.
Lots of folks saying lots of good things about Kendell Beckwith.
I remember her as playing a 70s airheaded slut to perfection. [ATTACH] I had no idea she had fallen so far. [ATTACH]
Wow. Where to begin? Even if the score after the first ND possession was 7-7 (not at all a given, seeing that the play in question happened 67...
Reminds me of the old joke (and because of it, one of the few games of which I remember the score): The morning after the LSU-Bama game, the Bear...
Well, you have fun with that. I hate AMAB with every fiber of my being and hope they go down to crushing defeat no matter what they're competing...
Herpie and Mushmouth can call a gorilla a kitty cat and it'll still tear your arm off to get to a bunch of bananas. I agree wholeheartedly with...