You used them as an example to put us (America) down. What other conclusion was I to draw? I know perfectly well what I am talking about. I...
So, you're saying I should pay more taxes and have worse healthcare benefits while you get something for free that I'm willing to pay for through...
You are crazy. Here's an idea...if you think they have it so freaking good in those places you mentioned then move your ass there. Every...
How about we stop wasting billions? Are you willing to let "more people benefit" if it means you will do without? At the very least, those of us...
I would feel comfortable betting my life on it.
Well said. I agree 100%
There is a 99.999999999999999999999999999% chance that he voted for obama.
It could be worse...:hihi: White on white hate...when will it end? "I was more shocked than anything..." Great choice of words! [MEDIA]
I wonder if they're still selling the inflatable doll? :hihi:
Reminds me of Jeff Jenkins, a guy I played high school ball with who went on to play at LSU...just a great person in just about every way. I wish...
Re: Advice for first time College Football Game - Coming all the way from Cork, Irela You are invited to tailgate with us if you like. We're...
No way. They will find a way to televise the Katrina Remembrance Game.
Lately, the same can be said about the Stars and Bars. There is nothing wrong with the Gadsden and it has been used "unofficially" by American...
LSU vs ULL on national TV...who would have ever thunk it? :hihi:
I would also add Jermain (sp) Sharp to that list. Couldn't hack it at LSU or Southern. He had the God given talent to be an All American.
To lay this to, I would not consider myself a "bigot". I do not believe my comment was "racist". I pointed out his blackness because...
Unless you're a POS from the Chicago political machine who also happens to be a half black bastard son of an African.
You're crazy. Palin did more to help McCain than any VP pick in the history of VP picks. Just about everyone was saying they were staying home...