Soros is a POS. He and obama are doing nothing more than buying loyalist. The tax payers are once again funding alcohol and drug abuse by way of...
That's your argument? Reduce crime and save money? The crime is mostly scumbag on scumbag, hence I don't care. The money is doomed to be wasted...
Great...,we already have one mind altering substance that people can not control (Alcohol) so let's legalize another highly mind altering...
Kids have been conceived in TS. There is no "too young".
Wait a minute...,that's red's line.
I was laid off this last March. I was with my previous employer for over six years. The company actually shut their doors after 100 years of...
Obviously you have never served.
BB, just to be clear, in my above post I was referring to the American flag...not the confederate flag. Sorry for any confusion.
Not offered in Louisiana it seems. I'm surprised since about 25% of our population would surely qualify based on their rules. Tax payer money at...
Glad to hear that. Some idiot on here the other day was saying that he was perfectly okay with that. My question to you is, judging how the...
So now we'll all have crappy nice. :rolleye33:
"Premature Taxation"
We already provide food stamps, section 8 housing, free transportation in most places, free healthcare through medicaid, free education, and many...
Well let's see...My first job ever paid less than $5 and hour and at that point in my life, early teens, I got along just fine. I made chicken...
"Yawn" Believe what you like houtiger. There are sources for my numbers...plenty. I'll google them and post them for you later. I'll...
That "joke" is still the best damn healthcare system on the planet. Is it perfect? No. But it's still the best.
Why? When my wife and I were first married we were making a combined $16.25 and hour. We had crappy cars, a crappy little rental, a crappy little...
Then they can suck it up and live with their conscious decision to engage in risky behavior. Hopefully, for their kids sake, they'll overcome the...
I did not say it was the school's or teacher's fault. I agree that the parents are largely to blame for the sorry product that is so often...