As someone once said, I had rather be lucky than good:D Tiger Bowl sounds good to me. Go tigers!!
But you didn't know he was going to get that job when you agreed to give him $4M to go away did you?:dis: Assuming you are right, it's a good...
OK how about this: $200M for new facilities/upgrades $32 for a new FB coach $4M to get rid of the old FB coach Still being #2 to...
My math is fine, but my typing sucks. I didn't give you credit for a win in volleyball:D
Thanks. I like the pic. Brodie just never could escape the Tigers:D
Some might say it is the fanatical bama fans on boards that are upset but the many I know in person are upset because: In the '06/'07 season so...
The recent honeymoon with bama seems to be over with lots of sportswriters. Saturday's Auburn upset over bama in Tuscalooser in BB didn't help...
Don't worry, on slow days the LSU guys love the Auburn-bama cat fights:hihi: I assure you, if we beat bama every year I will be more than...
Bamabuzzard......since it's been 14 years since your last MNC, the bama guy in the other chair looks similiar. This is the one you really need to...
The Maytag mafia is hard at work.
Looks like the new statue of Bear is in trouble.
He was the undercover guy in the sting:grin:
Where is Brownsville and what does it have to do with Auburn?
Favorites, in order: 1. Auburn 2-11(tie). LSU, Tenn., Fla., Miss., Miss St., Arky, Vandy, S.C., Georgia, KY 12. bama (not even close):)
:hihi: :hihi: :thumb:
Didn't Broadhead go to bama as AD for awhile?
You got this one mixed up since all the bubbas (i.e., Bubba Gump) and rednecks are bama fans who have no clue where Tuscalooser is:rofl:
What is the first thing a bama grad says to an Auburn fan after getting his degree?----"welcome to McDonalds, can I take your order please."