That's because so many bama fans can't read and don't know where to exit off I-65. :hihi: That of course is kidding but I would disappointed...
I am truly amazed that 92,000 bama fans know where Tuscaloosa is. The must have been a lot of carpools.:hihi:
Re: Miles Dismisses 3 Players A coach is in a tough positin when it comes to player discipline. He has to act on the facts and his gut...
Re: Miles Dismisses 3 Players My hats off to Coach Miles for displaying some guts. I think he earned a lot of respect around the league for this...
Looks like UT is having banner recruiting. They are lining up at the door. Click on NCAAF at the top bar, then see...
Thanks for your tribute to VT and the Hokies. I went to grad school at VT after Auburn so this senseless crap comes close to home for me.
Comments in red above.
I'm amazed this thread about Saban's treatment of the media, witten by a virtually unknown writer, has drawn seven pagesof posts. why is Saban's...
A bama homer's version:
Since it a slow time as far as football goes, how about a trivia question. Going into the 2007 season, who are the hottest and coldest bowl teams?
Glad you are enjoying it but it's really nothing new.
The only problem with this as stated is that the Nov. 24 Auburn-Alabama game is in Auburn not Tuscaloosa. Hope CBS gets the cameras in the right...
No problem mon. I just lurk on WEN these days also. Haven't posted there since early in the year. One of the owners/mods there and I don't just...
Your basis for this statement?
I won't get into comenting on the article but I am curious what your evidence is that he is an Auburn alum. I've never heard of him and he doesn't...
Thanks for the kudos. My repsect for LSU is mutual and ALWAYS has been. LSUGradin99....I never came here looking to cause trouble. There were...
LSU 10-1 today. Ouch!!