GOod grief not only trashed up the place a bit you made it sound like you are coming on to 327...Then next thing you know 327 is posting...
I am ok, just busy and can't seem to keep my head above water. Have you moved yet? Hope things are well
Re: 2008 TFFL Sign Up!!! I wish but I have to work also so I might as well answer Pm's! :wave:
Re: 2008 TFFL Sign Up!!! How did I know you would be the first to respond to me...:rofl: Yes Alive and well but it is going to take about a...
Me too! But I think in columbia there are more English speaking people...
Re: 2008 TFFL Sign Up!!! This chick is a playing!!!
WOW! And you can't get that? React with kindness rather then hostility...why be so bitter? Let it geaux and have a good time, you might start...
HA!! That is where I win, part of the fun of the 2 hour drive is the shortness of it! But let me know where you are flying into and we can pick...
Who you talking to mister? Keep up to what?? Do I hear another competition brewing???:D
We will be there. But I am coming from Orlando and we bring a big crowd, mostly Gator fans since I haven't found too many LSU fans here in...
So any good stories then???
Aren't you suppose to be drunk on the beach with some HAWT blondes right now and not on the internet talking to us???:hihi: Drink 50 or so for me!
I sure you know how strange you look singing "hey fighting tigers" down the streets of downtown Holyoke, Mass??? Then getting all teary...
ALright already! You have had DAYS of drunk times already and we have gotten NO Chad drunk messages! What the heck man!! Seriously though hope...
I have and they are UNBELIEVABLE! Seen a ton of day ones but the night launch I saw was breath taking!! We were on the water right across the...
Pork chops and spinach casserole, homemade mac and cheese, green bean casserole, and cresant rolls...
What did I tell you about telling me what to do! Bad BOY!! :D
I will not behave and YOU for one can't make me! :D
Number one isn't true, he was late for his bros wedding where he was the best man because the fsu/miami game ran late. I would love to say it...
First don't call me hugh! :D And to answer your question no he is not a gator fan but sadly is a fsu fan. So we have okies greenie and battys...