This Defense is soooo much fun to watch.
We should be killing this team. Our offense is offensive.
Now if J Lee will give a plea to play more, Crowton to forgive is inability to play call and Miles his inability to manage the clock, all will be...
This may be the fastest defense I have ever seen at LSU. Not since Lavalais have I seen a DT in the backfield, as fast (Nevis). Mingo is a beast!...
Nice! :thumb:
That's sad that everyone who has ever boo'ed the Saints or LSU is a prick. Let's see what is worse booing at the team, or calling them pricks?...
I have no problem with your booing. Boo away! :wave:
Your picture looks lame, but it does not compare to your responses.
That's total BS. I have been to plenty of LSU and Saints game were people boo'ed, it does not start a massive wave of fights. What are you 12?
Chill out Rambo!
There just 18 to 21 year old adults as well. I would believe that most would find it alright to boo the opposing team, just not our own....
Brilliant! So it is ok with you to boo at college graduations, just not football games? Way to go! :wave:
Do not boo, Fight! :thumb:
Funny thing is how moral people say they are about booing. However, calling people jerks, dicks are douche bags is totally exceptable on a chat...
Do not get your panties all in a wad, you little moral wuss.
People that boo, are not jerks or dicks. They are just expressing there dissatisfaction with the game. The players on the field are all adults,...
You can ship them off to war, and they can have their heads blown off, but do not boo them?" Oh no! they may get there feelings hurt. You are...