Really? They played a top 10 team last night. We played North Texas. Not even close to being the same. We need to be able to pass the ball....
I agree with gynojunkie our playbook is to repetitive. It is also way to conservative. At least 95% of the passes are little underneath dump...
Triva question answer: Robert Toomer Nimitz High School Houston Texas
How does the depature of TM, Liggins, the three CB's etc..... effect our number of scholarships? Do we have to use them all up for the 2013 class?
I have not noticed. Glad your here to be the policeman of the web.
Was great to see him perform well tonight. Living in Houston it is nice to have LSU players on Houston teams. I pull for them as long as they...
I agree this really sucks. Quick question: Does this open us up to pick up another recruit for the class of 2013? Seems like we have lost...
His new nickname is "HoneyPot" What a Loser!
Just put him on ignore. It is so nice not to have to look at his threads. I hope Bolden is the Man!
It's nice to have a QB with a little experience as one of the backups. Does anyone know if he could play another position for us? WR?
Milesthebest ---- You sir are a Loser! Oh no am I being ignored. I will try not to lose any sleep.
Lee threw all over the middle all season. In the first bubba game we had to watch Les's favorite kick the man in the head idiot come in and do...
Mettenberger is the answer for the current situation. I do believe that Lee should have played in the championship game. I will never understand...
Let's not forget that some TE recruits in LSU history have been moved to other positions. Marcus Spears and Kyle Kipps come to mind. They are...
Classic response!
Let's say the fore-mentioned programs have not been very good for the last ten years and some for the last 15 to 20 years. How long does it take...
This writer must be smok'in crack. I do not know were he has been for the last five years. Michigan, Fla State, Penn State, Miami ---King...
Should of finished ahead of Aaron Rodgers who was number 1. He only set all the records for passing last year. Hopefully, this year he...
How much will the bounty payout be?
I was wondering why, I had not heard his name come up. Thanks for the info!