I'll be there. My back won't let me play.
Remember, we have lady posters here.
I will. Let me get it upgraded first.
I'm good.
I have just about everything in place to do the upgrade. Sometime in the next few days, I will post when we will be taking the forum down for...
There have been a few negative things said in the past. I just wanted people to remind people that he is the reason this place is here.
For all of you that had anything negative to say about Brett, he has been paying for this place out of his own pocket since its' inception. He is...
Send them over to that other site you go to. Ramah likes to talk to himself anyway. It would work out just fine.
lol. Maybe that's why my blood pressure has been so good lately.
Thanks Mike. I might call on you from time to time.
We're back. Just had some access issues to work out. Thanks @BRETT!
Sorry about the forum being down guys. We had a corrupted table...a relatively minor thing to fix, but could not get access to it. All of that is...
Not until I can upgrade the software. I can't upgrade the software right now.
Set to 14. See if that helps. It was set to 2.
No, I need you to quit all of the stupid shit that generates so much angst around here.
I'll check it
He's hoping they need a penis on the honeymoon.