I love how this thread is in the "Other Sports" forum!
He's still there. Has his restaurant in Gentilly. Doesn't live far from my daughter. She lives a couple blocks from Pasqual's Manale.
Man, you don't realize how much you love something until it is gone. I've gotten a lot of behind (and in front of) the scenes love since this site...
CO, if you hate it, you don't have to stay. However, grumpiness and all, we still love ya.
Last night I said that I was going to go ahead and upgrade the forum tonight, due to some server errors I was seeing. I made a few changes and...
I should change his name to that.
I know you can handle it. It was more a shot at him. It's a shame some people are just so freaking negative.
The same could be said about the "elsewheres". Their podcast is an "elsewhere" you fucking grump. If there were no "elsewheres", you would be shit...
Yep, as far as pics go, GDF's thread and this one, are 2 of the best ones, for 2 totally different reasons.
Somebody needs to make a documentary about y'all's family. Amazing.
Just glad everyone seems to realize the lights are back on and are coming back home. We will be able to invite new people, if all goes well, in a...
Early day tomorrow. Night gents.
He's probably trying to figure out how to get an invite to McTiger's lesbian wedding.
I feel sorry for you.
I would suggest a group PM and exchange phone numbers just in case we need to stay in touch.
It's late, but I just checked some stuff on the server and we are getting a few errors so I will probably go ahead and do the upgrade tomorrow...
Laugh a little CO
Even better. Hey everybody, CO is gonna drive. Get your edible orders in!
Depending on tee times, we can do breakfast and a tailgate at the camper, or a dinner, or tailgate, or whatever works.
No, it's the 19th that I couldn't make. I'll be at the Washington Parish Fair on the 19th. I am good for the 5th. I have an antenna or ESPN app...