Good thing the SoL wasn't erected at the Port of New Orleans. I'm sure Mitch would have had it removed.
@LSUTiga , better? I thought about changing it to Puties_R_Us.
1. Yes 2. Up to you. I ain't ya momma.
I figured out a workaround.
We get them all the time dufous.
Welcome aboard @LsuTigahFan1 . I hope you will stick around and post often.
A long time ago, they used Astro Turf. I remember an interview with one of the players. He said it was like playing on Canal Street. I have walked...
Woah! Just the mere mention of boobs and y'all get a pick six! Nice!
No way. I have the perfect buzz, that I have nurtured all day. It's time to let it put me down. Y'all keep the boobs to a minimum, maybe.
I didn't think he played after the ankle roll?
Wow! What a great INT! That's the first time I have seen that before!
I think this is the only non-La game thread we've had. Figured you have earned it. But, it's bedtime for me. Sorry my friend. Feel free to put any...
Oh Shit! Missed the extra point!
89 yard run by O. Nice!
It's 8:07pm there?
They squeak it inside the left upright and with that, Oregon's FG average goes to 50% on the year. Come on GDF, where ya at?
So we think our ST is abysmal? Oregon is about to attempt a field goal. They are 2 for 5 on the year. 40%? Come on Man!
Here ya go @GiantDuckFan , I figured you might want to keep us up to date on what is going on in yall's game. I'm just tuning in, and with 7:26 to...