They aren't the only ones trying to circumvent the process. Barry loves him some executive orders.
Our government was setup on a sense of checks and balances. Unfortunately they forgot how to balance. It's no longer Statesmen/ Women doing what's...
I say we riot and burn Washington to the ground! Just kidding NSA operative. They can try and tell us what we're going to buy and eat and drive...
I didn't see that senate or president do anything but say we won't all or none....
The house funded everything needed to keep the government going. The only thing they left out was Obamacare funding. The senate should carry the...
They should start seasons off unranked. Play 2 games and then do the rankings based on results
We need to recruit some Offensive lineman out of japan. Sumo wrestlers would be hard to push around.
Football? I thought we were talking soccer!
I saw that. Proud of them for doing that. They fought some of the fiercest battles in this countries history. To try and deny them accesss to...
They closed the corp of engineer reservoirs. If the rangers aren't working how can they ticket you. :D And the way I look at it is the citizens of...
Paradiseinc said "Sometimes you need your ass handed to you to grow and improve. CLM and Chief will get this straightened out" Damn straight!...
I consider Saturday a win in a way. We wondered if our offense was the real deal. Turns out they are. We lost a battle but we are still in the...
Geaux! Tigers! Geaux! Tigers! Geaux! Tigers! L! S! U! I'm getting ready for My Tigah Stadium fix.:D
I'd prefer to them lose to Clemson in a lesser bowl. It'd prove a point I tried to make last year.
Farming the votes. It's the 1st. They are going to be 3 deep in front of the post office this morning. Time for the 1st check to come in. Next one...
I'm working on gf and 2 friends to go to that one. That should be a great game as well.
You can bet after that game. The starting secondary positions are wide open this week. That was definitely some piss poor coverages. Somebody...
Yep. People that choose to make their living off others aren't my problem. Too lazy to work. Fuck them. Those that vote for a living can eat shit...
I'll tell you what I took away from this Saturday. LSU and Georgia are the 2 best teams in the SEC. A&M allowed Arkansas to score 33 points. Ole...
Arky did hang 33 PTs on them. 282 passing and 201 on the ground.