Oh that says titles, I saw something else originally, lol
Shit being the operative word here. Lol
I don't think anyone defends TigerTap on here. So you're one of those guys who has all the answers, huh?
Sorry I can't get on board with the bashing on @red55. He has my respect even though we rarely were on the same page regarding Miles. As for...
When he knew he wasn't going to win championships on the field, he figured he'd concentrate on winning the paper championship with recruiting.
But not educated enough to spell correctly what you mean to say.
They don't make them like Moffitt anymore. Losing him would be a blow. Like everything you have to consider all circumstances. Jimbo would want to...
Come on man don't play the card. People of all skin colors can see how Obama and Leslie have both screwed up in their respective positions.
I guess a part of me was hoping that the turmoil some how may have caused him to become less vague and more intelligent sounding.
Hard for me to say I'm sorry is ironically playing now on the station. lol!!!
Anyone listening to the post game presser please post some quotes.
I dont see LSU being coached by an interim titled assistant. So it isn't happening till after the season.
Please leave Caitlyn Jenner to its fashion faux pas and conversion surgeries. Lol.
Train wreck...
Gary danielson, lol!!!
Just want to throw a thought out there, does it depend on the circumstances of the fumble, for miles to decide to bench a RB for fumbles?
Larry Coker syndrome is happening .
Wow throwback screen to the tight end.
That defense left when Mingo and Montgomery left.
Kelly looks better than Eli ever did versus LSU.