Add in the field goal kicking by LSU as ugly.
hell would have frozen over before red55 would have a minion avatar. I suppose he is taking a break and we should see him back before the bowl game.
@bhelmLSU I don't guess there's anybody out there in the coaching hunt that would be interested in taking Leslie off of LSUs hands? Maybe Leslie...
Yes indeed he did. He put his middle finger up to his lip, while answering a question.
He did give the finger gesture during the press conference, not sure who it was meant for but he has to know it would be on tv.
a f-King debacle, see what they did there. Seems like the players, university, and fans are the ones being f'd while Joe Please leva and Elmer...
No, just people who are too accepting of mediocre performance from a well paid coach with some of the most talented athletes in college football.
Just don't understand why someone like Miles deserves a kick upstairs? Nice guy, good representative, yes. But what makes you believe he could be...
Most of those cheers last night were because they all thought he was going to be leaving. Next season when the underperformance continues, the boo...
I bet he's just a silver tongue devil with the ladies, lol.
Nope not changing my mind, but after this last few days I'm adding Alleva to the fold. he should be gone before Leslie is sent off into the sunset...
les said it was King Alexander?
Jindal did it, he's to blame. The only thing he should have contributed was ideas on how to contra flow traffic out of Baton Rouge for fans to...
Make sure to include the charges from TAF.
Did y'all see Leslie sneak in the middle finger to the media during the post game press conference? Lol
So what you are saying is that there is a chance?
The fact that there may be a statue of Elmer Fudd on campus in Baton Rouge within the next few years makes me sick to my stomach.
whats the chances of before next season, Alleva gets the ax and the new AD does what the nutless douchebag couldn't do?
Jimbo not coming got Les one more season.
Jimbo deal fell through, Alleva didn't have a proper replacement so we get another year of inept offense. I am tired of the offensive woes, but...