Would be excellent.. :thumb:
Re: 2010 DT Cassius Marsh It's LSU vs USC, and USC isn't hot on his trail. All we've gotta do is keep winning ball games.. unless USC changes...
#1 Florida @ Mississippi State #2 Alabama @ Tennessee #3 Texas @ Missouri #4 Boise State @ Hawaii Louisville @ #5 Cincinnati #6 Iowa @...
Re: 2010 DT Cassius Marsh As of now he's going to be ours. :thumb:
He'll be waived.
We've heard this every week, though. Is this a troll account or something? The name is awful.. uhm.. familiar :hihi:
Just noticed Gibson dropped from a 4* to a 3*. He needs to pick it up. :hihi:
And it's a damned shame, unless he's bluffing. Jefferson has done absolutely squat thus far, except take sacks. At his current pace we're...
And our defense isn't the issue, at all. :wave:
You know he is more comfortable doing that because he does not have to make reads, right? A QB who is dependent on rolling out (Like Jefferson)...
Penalties != Discipline Discipline does include penalties. It also includes form tackling, not breaking containment, gap control, and missing...
Stop Ingram, easier said than done. There's not a single player on that offense besides Ingram and Peek who worry me at all, Julio is a good...
And they've already matched their previous seasons win total. Getting rid of Tubby was the absolute right thing to do. Their recruiting was in...
100,000 fans = 1 coaching staff, IMO. But that's because out of 100,000 guesses someone is bound to be right :lol:
I'm on your side :thumb:
Not true.. at least the 'talking up Auburn' part. Seastrunk was reportedly talking up LSU, etc. Jarvis Landry is going to LSU too. "Looks like...
9-3 and Crowton may get a shot a 4th year gig, who knows what that would hold.. nothing to go off of :hihi:
The sacks were part of it. His over-all play was the other part. He has shown repeatedly that he cannot hit his receivers in stride and he gets...
You would get him decapitated from a safety/CB blitz. You simply can't defend him rolling out every time he throws the ball.
You're obviously not aware of the Crowton curse. I wasn't either until recently. His first year is outstanding. His second year.. good. His...