We've got to stop Upshaw (& Hightower) if we're to have any success passing. The guy is good; really good. AL's DL is controlling the line of...
Gr8 play, AL!! First and Goal!
JJ stands in the pocket well; Upshaw has to be blocked better and the announcer needs to shut up and watch the game.
AL's DL is monstrous in their play when they KNOW we are gonna run.
Still don't like the option, but I'll take the yards.
Two things: Under Saban adjustments were made "on the fly"; the defense did NOT watch the Offense much at all. I've not been paying attention to...
Yeah, he needs to calm down a bit or a heart attack is waiting in his "third quarter" of life.
Maybe we can run one back now...
I see that, too.
U don't have to. Watch the line of scrimmage for a few plays. AL is moving forward on most of them, unfortunately. We are blowing coverage - due...
Finally! That's what I've been saying since watching AL whenever I can. They are bigger and they are stronger. They are also quicker than...
Neither of them are (for the umpteenth time). And by "neither" I mean NONE of the QBs playing in Tuscaloosa tonight. Pick one. Or three. Doesn't...
Gotta fault the Offensive Play Calling/Prep. I think it's a stupid waste of talent but that's just me.
Should have been a head-hunting penalty. LSU is in trouble.
Way to go, JJ... get your receiver killed.
So I guess we're going with JJ??? If so we need to stop the dedicated QB runs. This **** is sooo predictable... even if it works.
Is it just me or AL has HUGE Linebackers??? And they are quicker than I imagined them to be, too.
Yep... Let's hope we can get something going against a very well coached AL team.
Way to go, cuz!!
Nice defensive series!