OBJ is a good player, no doubt. But fails as a human being with common decency. There have been some crazy touchdown dances and acts, but the...
Short video of Coach Canada at LSU practice... SEC Network's "Coaching with Canada"
Coach O probably laughed at this shit then went back to eating crawfish
Ut ohhh, busted! LOL
I have absolutely no respect for people who want to remove anything having to do with the civil war. The civil war is part of our history. Today...
Exactly my point... whatever happened, I'm sure he was arrested for good reason.
Had to share this LOL! Great Scott! DeLorean owner gets speeding ticket for going 88 mph SANTA CLARITA, CA (KTLA/CNN) – A California man who...
DUI can be more than just alcohol... he was obviously under the influence of something LOL. What was he doing driving around at 3am after taking...
I live just outside of BR, about 5 minutes from my job, and it still takes me 10 minutes to get to my job from home LOL
Ya know, If I had known when I was a kid that I could skip education all together, and later in life act like a complete moron, get a tv show, and...
Considering the work it takes to make a baseball, I wonder how those cheap baseballs are made... [MEDIA]
Oh yes, there is also that.
Sorry if this was posted in here already but saw this on Facebook and thought I'd share it here LOL Rules for driving in Baton Rouge 1. First...
I have no idea what to expect this year. I was on the O train from the beginning. And I remain on the side of those who say that this is a new...
Well I ain't gonna hold this one against him too much... at least it wasn't drugs or violence (yet anyway).
I've never understood why people can't grasp the idea of a "forum". And considering that a forum... the "online message board" kind is made up of...
Yeah, you're right LOL, touche...
Haha that's me! And by then they're out of all the good shit!