I like Danny. I think he had a lot of potential. But I think his bad days (the opposite of what they generally show in these highlight reels)...
At first, I thought it was just a gag, like maybe he was on SNL or something LOL
So, this has nothing to do with LSU Sports; I couldn't bring myself to post this up there. I apologize in advance if someone already posted this...
Sad news, RIP #20
THIS! Entitlement is one of the biggest problems today.
Yeah that was my feeling. I want him to be gone as much as anyone, but I wouldn't want to screw the guy out of his retirement. Of course, maybe...
Seems strange to fire him if he is retiring next year (if that rumor is true). I don't know if I buy this story just yet. I guess we'll see.
Saw this on Facebook and thought it was pretty funny LOL [IMG]
Why do you "suspect you know the answer"? To answer your question: yes, I've tried Crown and a lot of others "on the rocks", but not with a splash...
One of my favorite comedians was George Carlin. But Billy Connolly had a stand-up that was pretty funny also. With his accent, it was even better....
I don't drink much anymore. But now and then I love a good Crown and Coke (especially if I find some RC Cola).
Has anyone else noticed that it is ridiculous to say "now I've seen it all" these days? I never say it anymore because people will literally do...
I don't know much about the others, but I've never been at all dissatisfied with any Boss pedals.
People have literally gone nuts with cell phone and tablet use. You can't hardly pass a driver these days who isn't looking at a damn phone...
"Went in for a prostate exam this morning. I asked the Doctor where to put my pants and he said "over there by mine"."
Jerry Cantrell was great. And for some reason, I loved AIC. "Down in a Hole" is one of my favorite songs from that era. And I didn't mean to lump...
I'm on the opposite side when it comes to Nirvana. Nirvana, it is said, is what brought an end to the "hair" band days. They heralded what we like...
Bengal, my apologies brother... thought I had replied to this. Mine is some brand I never heard of - "Eleca". Designed in China, made in USA. It...
I am not sure how I missed this thread here, so I'm catching up. Back in the mid to late 90's, I ran a couple of forums on ezboards that were on...