Agree two nice long stiff arms before the catch
hard to overturn once the official just guessed when he called it on field...TR was suppose to be 36's man but PP did a great job and I thought he...
that was close
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Damn Brees
The fake punt was too easy for them...lance whiffed so bad
Brees hasnt looked good really could've be the 2nd int of the game
I hope ppl dont think this dude is a savior he just looks better because the JUCO QB class is extremely weak
I think Cardale...Jacoby and Teddy B should be takes
I hate CBS Day Games especially if Gary Gay Danielle is doing them....1st it was a Tebow love fest and now Cam
that was so fukn stupid they burned a timeout for that sht Lee looked like the old Lee today
Actually good they scored fast rather than running all the time off the clock the D is pitiful....Please PP take it to the house
Cant believe Im saying this but the Defense is playing horrible just pitiful like they been reading the headlines too much about them
Damn can JJ get a chance the Oline is fukn horrible sht
Damn TBob
Let's go Offense and JJ
thank you for that bad play call auburn and bad pass
Dline and LBs is getting murdered they need to hit the weights
Big stop we need
the officials just mark the ball where he finished sliding