Tappy told me he is coming back on Sunday we shall see Les has beat Bama 5 out of 7 beat Nick 3 out of 5 and 2 in a row loving it
yep very nice adjustment
my thoughts !!! I don't think Tappy or any Bama fan have a clue - LSU is that good !
I can and I will LSU 31 other team - 13
Today, 05:19 AM | #23 Tappy [IMG] Rookie Member [IMG] [IMG] Join Date: Oct 2011 Location: Mobile, AL Posts: 151 I love Mobile...
Offense - RR - tap you guys ain't go nothing for this problem Defense - #17 MO is going to get 2 int's Special Teams - Wing Tap come...
It's Friday morning and I am thinking about LSU vs Bama about 63% of the time. I think it is way fun to have something like this in your life...
[IMG] Nick, I know you thought you had it all and you do except for onething :crystal:
Nov 6th is my birthday would love to talk to you on Sunday but I know you will not show back up !
thank you I enjoyed that !!!
Are you like 3 years old? Where have you been for the last 20 years ? There has been NO home field advantage in this series for many many years !
you do your best to warn people but most of the time they just don't listen!!! [IMG] [IMG]
Since I have a 2 thread limit a week I wanted my 2nd Bama thread just to be a general open posting on what you are feeling about the game. After...
This game will be talked about for years to come!!! yep I agree
I just don't see Bama winning this game. We are going to slow the rushing attack of Bama and #3 is not going to run all over LSU. They didn't do...
agree 100%
Fish your a great poster and I am just playing and no my 31-13 is not pointing at you. I think Bama will not hang with LSU and this LSU team...
If LSU wins at Bama wins out goes to Atlanta and wins I don't think Bama deserves a 2nd chance