Lets see 2007 NC Les Miles 2011 NC Les Miles won't take long and people will be saying Bear who ???
Les gets just about every player he wants for a reason - he is all that and more. Les is a players coach and he does become a 2nd father to all...
I love him a FS !!
maybe just maybe even if you are a Bama fan and you think the better team lost (that would be Bama) you get beat by the same team and the...
Tyler is the real deal ! He is very tough and a very good QB very good I guess it takes more than a QB
good morning Tusk My feelings and a 10 cents get you - well not much. But I do think the Barnies have a idea of taking it to you guys. I...
I think Mr. Lee will look at CLM and say thanks for all you have done for me coach. I am a better person and a better football player ! I can't...
Arkansas Razorbacks Will Beat the LSU Tigers : Hog Database one of the many Hog blogs - I think it shows a total lack of respect for what LSU...
I agree with best season and best team. We will not have the NFL players the U had back in the day but we have many NFL players but this team if...
Call LSU’s players talented, because they are. Call their defense stout and fast, because it is. Acknowledge that they hold the No. 1 rank in the...
I woke up this morning thinking that Bama going to the plains is going to be a issue. Auburn will make the season with a win today. Bama has a...
LSU -- 41 pigs - 17 thanks I am now thinking Bama might be on up-set alert
Truth is that BP and the Urban will not allow the ego to deal with losing to Les. Nick Saban speaks well of Les and is very much the man in...
I am not going to talk about players or coaches but I am going to talk about Tigers fans. Those folk that through the years have watched the Bear...
Thanks Bama you guys play anyone today ?
#7 punt return was one of those moments in Tiger Stadium ! I will put something up on the Wall of Fame that shows that moment for what it is....
he is coaching in the right place back forty barn yard full of pigs and he walks in pig **** daily I will not forget this and it will make the...
2 things going on JL gave the Miles haters something to hang on now after going 12-0 going to Atlanta for the SEC ring going to New...
Petrino needs to get used to it ! Bama beats the hogs LSU beats the hogs so the best he can hope for is 10-2 !!!
little boy blue come blow your horn !!!