as bad as this is gonna sound he may work there. no, pressure down there. plus, it would be miles way of helping find him another job. we can...
first i could care less about his morals while in college, and he wasn't stripped of the heisman. He turned it in. Also, if that is part of your...
i wasn't talking bush's stats. I was talking the saints stats w/ him in the game against him out of the game. And there is no way woodhead is...
great post, we are starting to get to many fair weather fans on this board. I myself dont post much, but have found myself posting more often....
all u do is complain. he was talking about the guys that make there first post after losses and never show up again.
not a bcs bowl game thats for sure.
i think they will if Aubie beats SC, but that has to be done. Their 1st game was close and SC could of won at auburn. So anything can happen. I...
that pass was no td, it was a first down but the lb was right there as he turned around.
why do u start 100 negative threads after we lose but are never around when we win?
everybody talks sugar bowl, like it was a done deal. you do realize that the seccg still has to be played.
maybe u won't be such an a$$ next year. maybe u will find another team to hate on, i mean support
we are down 8 w/ 14 mins left. I didnt know that meant the game was over. Still alot of time to be played boys.
where were the other 2. Mathieu was the corner beat on that play.
i agree, and i also think it is all the hype that he came in w/ that cause it. Plus, his pay and I have said myself that he is over paid, but he...
why are you so negative? all you do is complain, it gets annoying.
yes he is injury prone that is correct. yes he fumbled the punt thursday. but. show me the td pass he dropped. I assume u are refering to...
woodhead fits the pats off. And only has the job because faulk went down. Plus, he is just a 3rd down back. reggie plays all downs, as an rb...
if that was the case then our off. would never miss a beat w/o him in there. Reggie is one of the most dangerous players in the game. Does he...
I highly disagree, although he is not worth the money. I don't think he can be easily replaced. He may not be a great player, but he has great...
Terrance Toliver . 62 Patrick Peterson . 219 Jarrett Lee . 4 Drake Nevis . 10 Michael Ford . 245 Stefoin Francois 22.5 562.5